Thursday, December 3, 2009

Labor for O'Farrell

This blog has no particular policy direction, beyond a general sympathy to the aims of the Labor Party. In this sense it is more or less entirely alien to the current NSW Labor government, which has no policy direction beyond stuffing itself at each and every trough available.

This blog supports the goals of the Labor Party -- greater equality of outcome, the acceptance of different cultures and backgrounds as an essential part of the vitality and richness of Australian life, a liberal approach to social policy based on mutual respect for difference, investment in the public sector, better schools, better roads, and state development.

This blog believes the Labor Government in NSW must go. Preferably yesterday.

It is incompetent, corrupt, slimy, and sleazy. It is alien to our purposes. It is no better than any Liberal government would be and a fair bit worse than a potential Liberal government could be.

It has to die. For this Party and for this state. It must be destroyed and a stake must be driven through its heart. In any case, the principal purpose of this blog is to ensure that the Keneally government goes away and leaves us alone.

1 comment:

  1. Great artical, I unfortunately had some problems printing this artcle out, The print formating looks a little screwed over, something you might want to look into.

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